from lampung to korea!

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Guess i have to reopen again? Hmm

Every great people i know write. They write, they inspire, and therefore charming in my eyes, and many others’. So i really want to write, regardless of anything that may happen to me.  Will i write in another six months, or another year, at least i tried.
I’m feeling bad about myself. I missed many people’s birthday, many people i didnt say ‘happy bday’ to.  Ini lah saat dimana sanguin gue keluar. Emang ribet jadi melan-sanguin -,-
Im gonna collect my money and give some chocolates. Really.
I have handful of things to be done.
1.       DPR. Oh really. I feel like im gonna throw up. I mean, how ON EARTH am i gonna say something good about them? Im already ashamed as i browse about them, and now they want me to write something that is not  bashing them? Well , im gonna try, really try my hardest. Maybe im just gonna make like dpr 101? Okok. Ill try -,-
2.       I know that, something great and someone cool is waiting for me somewhere. Im just gonna prepare myself so that im ready when the time’s come.

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